Introducing Leadership Content
My name is Mike Seavers and I’m the product owner for the Engineering Operations group here at Riot. We formed EngOps to help manage, grow, and support our Engineering discipline. Those responsibilities include operating this tech blog, and we’ve been overwhelmed with the response over its first year - so first and foremost, I want to thank you for reading and providing us with feedback to help us improve.
Second, we’re launching a new type of content on the blog. We certainly won’t stop publishing the deep, technical articles you’ve seen thus far, but we want to start sharing insights into how we build, lead, and manage engineering teams at Riot Games. One of Riot’s Manifesto items is a focus on talent and team - we want to show how Riot Engineering approaches that challenge.
Over the last ten years, Riot Engineering has grown from a scrappy team of a handful of Rioters into a scrappy team of over 500. Along the way we’ve developed a keen sense of how we build and grow teams, and approach engineering management. We hope the stories of our wins and losses can be valuable to you as well. We’ll be starting with the next post on how we are rethinking titles within our Engineering discipline. We hope that article and those that follow will resonate with you, and we certainly welcome any feedback you have.